
Auction 2022

2022. december 04.

Artworks by students of the PTE Faculty of Music and Visual Arts can be bought in an auction! Prior to the event, which is unique in the practice of Hungarian higher education, the leaders of PTE, the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts and UQA held a press conference on 1 December at the Kodály Centre on the campus of the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter.

The "Auction 2022" event is not unprecedented in the history of PTE, but it is a unique initiative in the practice of Hungarian higher education institutions. The aim: to give space to works of art! To encourage and stimulate both citizens open to the world of fine arts and young artists to experiment with genres. Not least, students who participate in the auction will have a better chance of competing in the art market.

The PTE MK is a confident player in the contemporary art scene. Over the past 25 years, it has shown that it provides multifaceted quality, value and content. However, its well-being, like that of all that is created, of all that creative people create, is fragile. Therefore, making it aware and positioning it on the current mental map is a cultural mission, but also a responsibility. This narrative inspired the project, the auction series of the PTE Faculty of Music and Visual Arts.

The auction not only brings together a diverse range of works, but also showcases the artistic vision of young, emerging, contemporary generations.

Prof. Dr. József Bódis, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis Foundation, stressed in his speech that 'The Faculty of Music and Visual Arts is the jewel of the university, and actions were planned to better showcase the high quality art being produced here, hence the idea of the auction.'

The current auction is intended to create a tradition.

Bids will open on Friday 9 December at the Kodály Centre.

Prof. Dr. Attila Miseta, Rector of the University of Pécs, said that the idea of supporting talented students of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts with another opportunity to showcase their work is a particularly good one, and recalled the story of a colleague, Denys Wheatley, who told him the following story about an older professor friend who kept several original Picasso paintings in his apartment. Asked if he loved Picasso that much, the elderly professor replied that it was not so obvious. He had visited Spain at the beginning of the 20th century and found a talented young painter from whom he had bought several paintings.

"Well, it seems that buying art can be a good investment, as this artist later became world famous: he was Pablo Picasso."

Dr. Péter Lengyel, Dean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pécs, said that the event had its roots in the faculty, but they were more internal, in-house auctions to help students. The idea of an auction has been raised several times in the past, but they wanted to move up a level, as the buildings and working conditions of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts are now of European standard.

Just as the University Concert has become a tradition, he hopes that the auction will become a progressive, professional event.

The list of auction items »

  • The patron of "Auction 2022" is Dr. Péter Hoppál, Minister of State for Culture.
  • Curators Dr. Katalin Aknai, József Készman and Márkó Zsdrál
  • Auctioneer: Nóra Winkler

The Items of the auction exhibition can be viewed in person on 9 December from 10am in the Kodály Centre, room F 08, and the auction itself starts at 5 pm on the same day.


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