CímlapInternationalNew Rules at the University and in the City (11 Nov)

New Rules at the University and in the City (11 Nov)

2020. november 12.

The state of emergency brings new challenges and new rules into our daily lives. The following is a summary of the most important university regulations concerning opening hours, education, events, dormitories, sports facilities, and the regulation of the cities hosting our university campuses. 

Opening hours

During the state of emergency, university buildings (except the Clinical Centre) are open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Entering university buildings is be bound to a definite goal (e.g. teaching, research, work, studying, administration, sports activity, attending events) and is limited to the duration of achieving that particular goal.

Only healthy individuals who do not show any symptoms of coronavirus infection and whose body temperature does not exceed the limit set by the Chief Medical Officer shall enter (at their own risk) the university's buildings.

Gatherings on university premises are prohibited. Everybody shall minimize social contact with others, and maintain a protective distance of 1.5 metres, if possible.

Every individual shall wear protective gear that covers the mouth and the nose (surgical mask, safety mask, mask made of textile or other fabric) on university premises.



Education is conducted online at the University. Exceptions can be made by the Ministry on the motion of the Rector, in line with the Dean’s recommendation.

To participate in practices at the Clinical Centre all students (regardless of nationality) must fulfill the additional requirements outlined in the protocols of the Clinical Centre, and adhere to the special provisions and hygienic rules set forth therein.

In doctoral training, course credits can be acquired in online education. In the case of the practical training elements of the doctoral program, the tasks related to the research are performed by the student (and the supervisor) at the University, at the place designated for the practice, in compliance with the relevant rules. If the doctoral student’s Faculty (which registered the student) lays down special rules, the research must be carried out taking this into account. The complex exams, the exams the doctoral candidates, as well as the thesis defences can be conducted in online form in accordance with the regulations of the doctoral student’s Faculty (which registered the student).

During the habilitation procedure, the public classroom and scientific lecture(s) can be held online, depending on the respective form of the chosen subject announced by the dean within the accredited training program of the current semester. In the case of presentations online, the Judging Committee and the audience must also be given the opportunity to ask questions after the presentation. The secret ballot of the Judging Committee and the students can also be implemented electronically, provided that the electronic system (online platform) used in the decision-making process guarantees the identification of the participating member and at the same time the confidentiality of the voting.



All face-to-face events are prohibited during the state of emergency.

In general, study administration is online (e-mail, Neptun), except paying fees with cash at cash desks (according to the Code of Charges and Benefits), or with appointments (made by phone or e-mail).

During personal administration, wearing a mask and keeping the protective distance (as possible) is obligatory. The administration desks should be covered with transparent plastic shields.

If there is a waiting line, 1.5 metres should be maintained. Signs showing where to stand shall be posted visibly.



The Hungarian Government ordered the dormitories to be closed down, but there are exceptions from this rule.

International students can stay in the dormitories.

If you are an international student, and wish to stay in the dormitory during the state of emergency, you have to submit a request form to the Rector in Neptun.

Please check your Neptun inbox and our COVID-19 Newsfeed ( for updates.


Sports facilities, pools, other recreational facilities

During the state of emergency, University sports facilities are closed.

For using University facilities for competitive sport activities under the Sports Act, contact the Operations and Maintenance Service of the Chancellery.

University citizens are allowed to use the outdoors sports facilities of the University for individual recreational sports (particularly running, walking, biking).


In the City


Wearing a facemask is required in all public places in Pécs (this includes car parks of shops), except for three parks and certain areas in the Mecsek. The requirement applies to adults and children over the age of 6. The exceptions: Béke Park, The Memorial Park in Szabolcs district, The Park in Tüskésrét, the areas North of Dömörkapui út – Ángyán János út – Bárány út – Erdész út.

It is still required to wear a facemask on buses, in bus stops, in shops, malls, markets, and dog parks.

Those engaged in sports activities are not required to wear a facemask in public areas, but practicing social distancing is required.



Wearing a facemask in public places in Szekszárd is required for everyone over the age of 6, except in parks and while engaged in sports activities.



Wearing a facemask in public places in Kaposvár is required, except in parks and while engaged in sports activities.



Wearing a facemsk is required in the Main Square, in the Belsikátor, Külsikátor, in the Archway next to Gyöngyös Mall, on the pedestrian street between Szent Márton utca and Hunyadi út, and in dog parks, car parks, in the vicinity of educational institutions.



Wearing a facemask is required in all public spaces, including markets, bus stops, and car parks, and in the vicinity of public buildings.


Take care of yourselves, take care of each other!

University of Pécs

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