CímlapInternationalOpening Ceremony of the 2022/23 Academic Year

Opening Ceremony of the 2022/23 Academic Year

2022. szeptember 02.

According to tradition, the University of Pécs held its Opening Ceremony of the new academic year on 1 September in the dr. Halasy-Nagy József Aula.

"The secret of progress is to start,"

said dr. Attila Miseta, rector of the University of Pécs, at the Ceremonial Senate Meeting, then greeted the mayor of Pécs and distinguished guests of the opening ceremony. In his speech, he emphasized that due to the developments made throughout the university, more foreign students can start studying at UP than in previous years. In his welcome address, he also said that higher education should provide useful degrees. The rector emphasized that the transition to foundation operation continues successfully, and the University strives to maintain attendance education at all times with sensible savings regulations.

Attila Péterfy, mayor of Pécs, greeted the citizens of the university as well. At the beginning of his speech, he discussed that the fate of the city of Pécs, his university and the diocese were more intertwined than anything else. The city administration strives to fill its relationship with the university with as much content as possible, for example, this year the Outstanding Student of the City of Pécs Award will be awarded for the first time. The city's priority is to keep as many students as possible here, locally. He mentioned the programme named after Ödön Dénesi, which aims to provide housing for young people, and a scholarship programme tailored for graduates is also being prepared, which will be presented soon. At the end of his speech, the mayor emphasized that Pécs has no other development path than to move forward together with the university.

The third welcome was given by dr. József Bódis, president of the Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis Foundation, which maintains the university. The chairman of the board of trustees said that the opening of the academic year in Pécs coincides with the date of the foundation of the University of Pécs, the Day of the City of Pécs as well as the Day of Hungarian Higher Education. According to Bódis, the COVID pandemic, and the following economic crisis, and the war in our neighbouring country make all future planning uncertain. He pointed out that the model change started two years ago and

"We are testing our theories now, because we are still in our first year of operation.

The university now has wealth, more than twice as many resources at our disposal, but it is difficult to count on ever-changing energy prices, for example." In addition to the usual higher education strategies, the board of trustees also prioritises sustainability and excellence. Bódis is proud of the 5500 international students studying here, because we are already an "international university" – since currently one in four students at UP is from abroad. "We are lagging behind in the number of foreign teachers, but we plan to change that as well." According to the khairman of the board of trustees, the success of innovation is also important, this is also supported, due to the progress of the university, a performance evaluation system has also been introduced, which will also "move the university forward."

According to Bódis, the start of the year is an opportunity for renewal. For new students, this is a new period. The university is not only about science and learning, but about friends, sports and culture.

"But perhaps the most important thing is that students are touched by the ethos of the university!"

At the suggestion of János Csák, Minister of Culture and Innovation of Hungary in agreement with the maintainer, President Katalin Novák appointed 12 new university professors at the University of Pécs from 1 September 2022:

Faculty of Law: 

  • Dr. Péter Tilk  

Medical School:

  • Dr. Timahér Molnár 
  • Dr. László Lujber 
  • Dr. Péter Vajda 
  • Dr. Éva Morava  

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:

  • Dr. Gergely Bálint Kiss 

Faculty of Health Sciences

  • Dr. Sergej Ostojic
  • Dr. Zsófia Verzár

Faculty of Business and Economics

  • Dr. Tamás Sebestyén 

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology:

  • Dr. Ágnes Borsos 

Faculty of Sciences:

  • Dr. János Kovács 
  • Dr. Tamás Kégl 

At the ceremonial senate meeting, numerous student awards have been conferred for outstanding achievements and services in science, culture and sports.

Tóth Mariann

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