A special summer school was held at the University of Pécs September 19 – 28, 2022. As a result of the previous successful summer courses, a unique training program for students from the Japanese Josai International University was held for the fourth time, during which Japanese students studied Hungarian folk music, folk dance and the English language. The academic programs were provided by the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, while the overall organisation of the programme was carried out by the International Centre.
In addition to the academic programs, a number of social activities were organised for the Japanese students in Pécs. The students took part in the Intercultural Day in Pécs program, also organised by the International Centre, and they enjoyed a city tour, a dance performance by the Zengő Ensemble and a performance during the Bordal Festival at the Kodály Centre. The program concluded with a fieldtrip to Budapest.
The summer school provides an excellent opportunity to deepen and add new content to the existing partnership between the University of Pécs and Josai International University.
This year, a total of seven summer schools were organised within the Pécs Summer School program, with nearly 300 students from three continents participating. The increasing number of summer school programs has made the University of Pécs a market leader in this field among Hungarian higher education institutions.