CímlapInternationalTuition Fee Waiver, Mentor Student Support and Volunteering

Tuition Fee Waiver, Mentor Student Support and Volunteering

2022. március 18.

The UP Operative Crew has made important decisions on 17 March concerning refugees and volunteers in Ukraine.

According to their unanimous proposal guest students from Ukraine should be exempted from paying the tuition fees and the dormitory fees for the spring semester.

The Operative Crew also invites the University Student Council to provide mentor student support to visiting students from Ukraine, with the involvement of the International Centre of the Rector's Cabinet if necessary.

A decision was also made concerning the period of absence of volunteer UP students for the Red Cross. Absence is considered to be excused, if the students present a Red Cross certificate after their return.

The text of the resolution of the UP Operative Crew 3/2022 (III. 17.) »

University of Pécs

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