Dr. Attila Miseta candidate for rector gained the support of the Senate of the University of Pécs on 24 March. According to tradition, the meeting was held in the Halasy-Nagy József Aula.
"The success of last year's model change is up to us. But the key player in this process is the management of the university, led by the rector. That is why it is important for everyone today to make a good decision and according to their conscience" - said dr. József Bódis, rector emeritus and president of the Universitas Quinqueeclesiensis Foundation, to the senators. At the beginning of the event, both candidates briefly summarized their programmes. Senators cast their votes by secret ballot.
The result was presented by dr. Gabriella Medvegy, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology and President of the Electoral Commission:
Of the 35 votes cast, 31 were valid.
Dr. Attila Miseta received 29 votes,
Dr. Csongor Herke received 2 votes.
The Senate shall submit its proposal for the rector to the Board of Trustees of the Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis Foundation for approval. The final decision will be made by the board by 15 April, and the re-elected rector will start his new mandate from June.