CímlapInternationalPetals and Years – Remembering Gandhi

Petals and Years – Remembering Gandhi

2022. október 10.

One hundred and fifty-three years ago, on 2 October 1869, Mahatma Gandhi was born. At the Faculty of Sciences, it is a tradition to commemorate his birthday at the statue on the beautiful promenade of the Ifjúság Street campus, as part of the UP International Seasons event series. This year, this took place on 4 October.

"Internationalization is a priority aspiration of the University of Pécs, and accordingly the Faculty of Sciences is keeping up with this goal," said dr. András Trócsányi, dean of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Pécs.

The dean the faculty also said that thirty-six Indian students are currently studying at the Faculty of Sciences, most of them through the Stipendium Hungaricum program. "This event should remind us of what role Gandhi played in human history."

The career of the Indian politician was recalled by Dr. Zoltán Wilhelm, former honorary ambassador of Hungary. He also pointed out that 2 October is also the International Day of Non-violence. "The civil disobedience movement that Gandhi is associated with is still a political weapon to this day," - he said, then quoted the Indian politician, "What he has given to the world: My life is my message." He got three bullets for it." He was killed on 30 January, 1948.

The heartfelt event ended with a gesture of respect in the Hindu way: participants sprinkled rose petals on the head of the statue of Gandhi.

Tóth Mariann

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