Legal solutions of the future - here and now - Conference
The conference of the Legal solutions of the future - here and now, organised by the Law Office of Réti, Várszegi és Társai PwC Legal, will focus on automation and digital solutions affecting the legal processes of companies.
Technology-based solutions are spreading extremely fast in different areas of life, and the law is no exception. The pace of automation and digitisation is accelerating, and sooner rather than later, all of us - lawyers, solicitors, judges, academics, law students, and so on. The so-called New Law achievements will also be used in everyday professional life.
But what exactly does "right of the future" really mean? And how does it affect us? The conference will dissect this topic.
Date of the event: 23 February 2022, Wednesday from 10:00 till 13:00
Location: online, based on the link sent in the confirmation
The language of the event is English.
Participation is free, but registration is required, which you can do by clicking on the link below.
For organisational questions, contact