University of Pécs (UP) presented the results of the PACIFY-D - promoting Active Citizenship of Youth Through Diplomacy ERASMUS+ project at a multiplier event on 30th November 2023 in Pécs.
The project, implemented by a consortium of Hungarian, Greek, French, Italian, Belgian and Greek organizations, aims to involve young people in the diplomatic life, raise awareness of international cooperation and provide innovative training opportunities.
Recently, in cooperation with the Europe Direct Baranya Information Centre and HEAD Hungarian professional student organization, a Multiplier event has been organized for secondary school students and their teachers in Baranya to explore the role of the "young local ambassadors" for whom this program is designed. The project focuses on three main areas: an innovative interactive curriculum with the partners, which is available in the official languages of the participants in addition to English, the creation of county information points in real and virtual spaces from which the curriculum is accessible, and an electronic professional guide for teachers, which will help them to teach students by following the themes of the curriculum or even by selecting a specific section.
Young people can gain an insight into the intricacies of everyday diplomacy, develop active citizenship, and become "young ambassadors", as the partners put it in the curriculum description. During the training, participants also can analyze the tasks and actors of diplomacy, the functioning of international organizations, and to practice the skills acquired during the course of the curriculum in simulation games.
The official link of the project.