
Loan of E-devices

As of the 22 May 2023, you can loan e-book readers and tablets at the University of Pécs Library and Knowledge Centre.

Please find below the terms and conditions of the usage.

E-book reader:

  • Students, lecturers and researchers of the University of Pécs are eligible to loan the device, for a period of 1 month, with the option to renew for further 1 month
  • Late fee: 200 HUF/day
  • Reservation fee: 400 HUF/day
  • E-book readers can be loaned and returned only at the Knowledge Centre’s 2nd floor. You have to return the devices at least 1 hour before closing time.
  • E-books can be loaned without content as the reader is free to download their own content (e.g. using their own Amazon account or via USB), which will be deleted when you return the device.
  • E-book purchases are not possible via the default library account!


  • Students, lecturers and researchers of the University of Pécs are eligible to loan the device. Tablets are exclusively for local use in the Knowledge Centre. The device can only be loaned until the closing hours on the given day. If the device is not returned by the given time, the library card will be charged with the late fee for the device according to the current tariff.
  • Tablets can be loaned and returned only at the Knowledge Centre’s 2nd floor. Please return the devices at least 1 hour before closing time.
  • Files and personal data saved on the device will be deleted upon return that cannot be restored.

Further information on the loan policy for tablets and e-book readers »