A three-part English-Hungarian series of short films in the framework of the EDUC European University Union on the Jurassic-Cretaceous geology of the Mecsek Mountains.
The University of Pécs (PTE) supports the development of high quality, common teaching areas and the production of teaching materials in Hungarian and English within the framework of the EDUC European University Alliance, a joint English-language teaching platform launched by eight European universities. In the summer of 2021, UnivTV and László Bujtor, Associate Professor at PTE, produced the first series of short films on the mesozoic geology of the Mecsek Hills, in cooperation with the Faculty of Sciences of PTE.
The series, each consisting of 15-minute episodes, presents the Jurassic - Cretaceous geological evolution of the Mecsek Mountains and its international aspects. The films are available in English not only for students from the participating EDUC European University Association universities, but also for Hungarian-speaking viewers interested in the earth sciences, using the latest research data to show the unique geological values of the mountain range. The series looks beyond geology to the hydrological, geomorphological, archaeological and palaeontological curiosities and curiosities that make the Mecsek Mountains an important and interesting research area in European terms.
The short films present the unique values of the Mecsek Mountains with the help of still and moving cameras on the surface and drone footage, while continuous narration in Hungarian helps to understand the phenomena presented. Sedimentation, volcanic and erosion processes are demonstrated, and rock samples are used to understand the processes that took place in the area around Pécs between 160 and 130 million years ago, when the Mecsek Hills were still covered by a subtropical ocean.
The film series was produced in cooperation with the University of Pécs and the EDUC European University Programme Office of the European University of Pécs.