The institutional accreditation of the University of Pécs was officially renewed by the Hungarian Higher Education Accreditation Committee (MAB) with the decision 2023/X/11/1 until 31 December, 2028.
The process of institutional accreditation took place at the University of Pécs in 2022-2023. The MAB, which is responsible for institutional accreditation procedures, examined the operation of the UP (PTE) based on the ESG (Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area) framework.
The MAB Visiting Committee held its institutional accreditation inspection between 17-19 April, 2023, based on the institutional self-evaluation submitted by the University of Pécs on 30 November, 2022. The President of the Visiting Committee was Dr. Márta Görög, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Szeged. Based on the report of the Visiting Committee, the MAB made its decision on 15 December, 2023. The Committee found that the University of Pécs operates a quality assurance system that is partially unified and partially covers the entire institution based on the ESG standards.
The ESG framework and thus the subject of the examination included, among others, the continuous development of the UP's comprehensive quality assurance policy, the implementation of the development and regular control of training programs, the presentation of student-centred learning, teaching and assessment, the review of student services, and the system of instructor performance evaluation.
The MAB decision found that the institution's quality assurance and development processes are partially planned, and their control, measurement, and evaluation procedures need to be improved. The relationship between management processes and quality assurance processes needs to be improved, the management of education is adequate, the management of research is adequate, the operation of doctoral schools needs to be improved, and the direction of research is aligned with the institutional strategy.
The support processes - financial, economic, IT, facility management - and infrastructure provide excellent backgorund for educational and research activities.
The Committee requests the submission of additional documents during the accreditation period, which the UP will comply with, as the leadership and citizens of the university are also committed to quality education and research.