CímlapInternationalInformation on Education and Exams to Be Held in Class

Information on Education and Exams to Be Held in Class

2021. május 18.

There are several faculties of UP that will hold their courses/assessments in person from now on. (See details in this article.) However, the implementation of the changes require all to be careful in the process. The UP Operative Crew has defined the minimum conditions for the attendance system.

What still applies to everyone

Only people who are healthy, with no symptoms of coronavirus can enter the university's buildings. Maintaining a safe distance of 1.5 metres on university premises and wearing a mask covering the mouth and nose at all times are mandatory.



Attendance education

In the rooms, surface disinfection must be carried out between changes of student groups. There should be continuous or regular ventilation - at least every 10 minutes even if air conditioning is used in the room. For air conditioning systems in use, at least one summer disinfection cycle should be provided.

Internships, practical training

Hand washing with soap or disinfecting with alcohol is mandatory before the start of each session. Mandatory pre-course training (fire and safety, data protection and hospital hygiene) shall be carried out online. A key task of the trainer is to monitor the correct use of personal protective equipment. All equipment used during the session (including demonstration and IT equipment) must be disinfected.

In some areas of practice, particularly in medicine and health sciences, the institute of higher education may introduce additional regulations.

Special precautions must be observed in the Clinical Centre, therefore all students/trainees - regardless of nationality - can only start their internship with a negative COVID-19 test result. This can be proven with:

  • proof of COVID-19 vaccination or
  • documented SARS CoV-2 antigen-based rapid test with negative screening result every 2 days before the start.

Attendance based examinations

The masks for lecturers, teachers, students taking exams, administrative assistants, faculty assistants are provided centrally by the university in cooperation with the Directorate of Operations and Procurement. The body temperature measurement, additional disinfectant, gloves if necessary, must be provided by the examiner/training unit.

A distance of 1.5 metres must also be ensured during written exams. During oral exams, a maximum of two candidates may be present in addition to the examining instructor or the members of the exam board. During the exam, the rules of cough etiquette must be strictly observed.

Exchanging, sharing objects/aids (e.g. dictionary, book, map, etc.) is forbidden.

Continuous or frequent ventilation should be provided in the exam room or in the room (e.g. corridor) where students are waiting for the exam, and preferably in the bathrooms as well.

Written test documents (e.g. papers) with adherence to hygiene rules (avoiding contact with the face, washing hands thoroughly with soap or alcohol after contact) can be safely corrected after waiting for 24 hours.

General rules on cleaning

It is a must to clean surfaces with a virucidal disinfectant that cleans and disinfects at the same time. The disinfectant cleaning shall be carried out on all surfaces and equipment used during the exam/training, including the study administration rooms. Special attention shall be given to the cleaning and disinfection of bathrooms, and it is necessary to ensure frequent ventilation.

At some faculties, extra epidemiological protection measures may be introduced with the approval of the UP Operative Crew.

Further information

Hygiene recommendations

Entering the Premises of the University During the State of Emergency 

University of Pécs

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