The quarter millionth vaccine was administered at the UP Clinical Centre vaccination point on 4 February, at around 8:30 in the morning.
"We have been vaccinating since 31 December 2020, which means 386 vaccination days to date."
- said dr. Andor Sebestyén, President of the Centre. "Vaccination was available to residents almost every weekday, most holidays and weekends. There were occasions when vaccinations were carried out by colleagues at several sites at the same time. The location of the permanent vaccination sites also varied according to the number of people vaccinated and the patient care needs. Vaccination activities started at the Rét Street Rehabilitation Centre, continued at the Akác Street site and then at the Rákóczi Street site. During the weekend vaccination campaign, vaccination sites were also set up in the Janus Pannonius Clinical Block, the building of the Heart Institute and the City Clinic. On the busiest day, nearly 4,000 patients visited the vaccination points at the UP Clinical Centre." - stressed the President of the Centre and added:
"We are confident that the vaccination uptake will continue to improve, with unvaccinated people taking their first vaccination and those who have been vaccinated for a longer period of time taking their second, third or fourth vaccination.
(The arrival of the first vaccine shipment at the UP Ciinical Centre on 31 December 2020. Photo: Szabolcs Csortos.)
Vaccinations given at the right intervals can help to prevent coronavirus infection from causing severe disease. Those who have not received any vaccination are at high risk of developing severe symptoms, and those who have received the vaccination series in accordance with professional recommendations have done everything possible to protect their health. Anyone who wants to be vaccinated can do so under the same conditions. Getting as many people as possible vaccinated is in the common interest of all of us, and the UP Clinical Centre is prepared in every way to welcome those who wish to be vaccinated. Every day, 20-25 colleagues are on duty for this purpose," said dr. Andor Sebestyén.