Vivienn Laskovics, a first-year student of the business administration and management program of the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics, is a member of the Marica Cultural Association of Szalánta.
This year, she represents the Croatian nationality in Hungary at the beauty pageant of Most Beautiful Croatian in National Folk Costume Outside of Croatia organized in Tomislavgrad, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Vivienn Laskovics is an active member of the Croatian community in Hungary, she plays a prominent role in religious life as well: she is a regular churchgoer and altar server of the church community in Szalánta. She is devotedly helping at the Elisabeth youth summer camp organized by the village and implemented with state support. And how well the national costume suits her!
In addition to the on-site competition and jury, public voting will also take place. You can vote for Vivienn via this link:
Voting closes at noon (12:00 am) on 14th of July.