Universal Air will operate scheduled flights between Malta, Pécs, and Munich starting in March.
At the Pécs-Pogany airport, the scheduled flight's departure was announced at a press conference on 6 February. In his welcome speech, Attila Péterffy recalled that the last charter flight departed from Pécs 12 years ago and a scheduled flight 16 years ago. The mayor added:
"local players, such as the university and local industrial companies, were consulted in advance on exactly what flights would be needed."
We contacted the head of UP's International Centre for comment. "I am particularly pleased with this development, and I am convinced that these flights represent a major step forward both in terms of the internationalisation of UP and the strengthening of its international visibility.
Personal contact will be significantly easier, and not only will our partners be more easily accessible from Pécs, but it will also be easier to invite our foreign colleagues to Pécs for our events. I think this is also good news for our international students, not only for them but also for their families and friends. As far as the region is concerned, the launch of flights will lead to a revival of international tourism.
You can fly anywhere in the world via Munich. This airport is a very good choice, as UP delegations often transfer there, even for overseas flights; it is an excellent hub. Malta is an opening to the Mediterranean area, opening more travel opportunities. Corfu is now a holiday option that can be quickly accessed by all of us," emphasised Dr. István Tarrósy.
Simon Cook, managing director of Universal Air, said that the Pécs flight will be the company's first new route this year. The 78-passenger plane that landed at the airport on 6 February will fly between Malta, Pécs and Munich, and a charter to Corfu is planned to start in May.
The journey between Munich and Pécs will take 1 hour 20 minutes, and between Pécs and Malta, it will take 2 hours 20 minutes. According to Márk Dragovácz, head of the company operating the airport, a one-way ticket to Munich will cost around 130 euros; Malta will be available for 150 euros, which will include 7 kg of hand luggage and a 15 kg bag. He also said that from 7 February, tickets will be available through a call centre, and from March, a separate website and mobile phone application will also help travellers.
Further details are expected to be posted on the airport's website »
Photo: Andrea Müller