On 1st September, on the occasion of the Day of Hungarian Higher Education, Dr. Attila Miseta, Rector of the University of Pécs, ceremonially opened the 2024/25 academic year in the Dr. József Halasy-Nagy Hall. The event was also attended by Veronika Varga-Bajusz, State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, Dr. József Bódis, President of the Board of Trustees of the Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis Foundation, and Attila Péterffy, Mayor of the City of Pécs.
1st September, the date of the papal bull that founded the medieval University of Pécs, the Day of the City of Pécs, and from 2017, the 650th anniversary of the founding of the first Hungarian university, the Day of Hungarian Higher Education, is traditionally the day of the opening ceremony of the academic year, which this year also began with the entrance of the members of the Board of the University, who took their seats on the podium of the auditorium.
Veronika Varga-Bajusz, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, Attila Miseta, Rector of the University of Pécs, Attila Péterffy, Mayor of the City of Pécs, Adrián Fábián, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Miklós Nyitrai, Dean of the Medical School, Krisztián Bene, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, István Ágoston, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Krisztián Kvell, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Katalin Erdős, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Iván Zádori, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development, Márk Zagorácz, Deputy Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Péter Lengyel, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and András Trócsányi, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences.
In his welcome speech, Attila Miseta said that the number of students enrolled in the institution this year was the same as last year, which means that there are many new students in the 2024/25 academic year.
„Whereas in your previous lives you were squeezed by your teachers and parents into an agenda that involved preparing for your studies while completing the educational pence, here you are on your own.
This is a new challenge. It is even more important for us, especially after the transition to the Foundation, that everyone should follow the model curriculum,
that everyone should take seriously the obligations of being a university student", the Rector underlined, and then he gave some thoughts, not written by him, but by artificial intelligence, which „is, among other things, as much of a challenge for humanity, if not more so, than the industrial revolution", dr. Attila Miseta stressed, and then added: „I think there is no reason to fear, but it is a challenge for teachers and obviously for the public.”
According to the Rector, it is particularly important that students who are just entering the institution learn to use this new technology properly, and that they receive as much practical training as possible. He concluded his speech with a quote from Socrates: "false words are not only evil in themselves, but also infect the soul", and officially opened the 2024/25 academic year.
"While five years ago 7, three years ago 9, this year 12 universities in Hungary are in the top 5% of the world's universities. Three of our universities are in the top 2 percent and one is in the top 1 percent. Because if they try to close us down, we will open up to the world", said Veronika Varga-Bajusz, State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, in her speech, and then briefly spoke about the recently launched Pannonia Programme and its three pillars.
"With the first, students can study part-time at the world's leading universities, with full credit recognition. The second is a value-added offer, whereby the university gives the most talented students the opportunity to study part-time at one of the world's top 250 universities. The third pillar is designed to go beyond this and offer students who want to study at one of the world's top 100 institutions the opportunity to do so. This year, we are giving 22 students the chance to achieve their dreams," said the Secretary of State.
It turns out that universities are not left alone in the research programmes either, as the Hungarian government has set up a self-funding fund for participation in the Horizon Europe programme with a budget of HUF 8 billion in 2024, which has so far helped the implementation of 57 projects in 14 universities.
He also underlined the importance of university sport and the dual career model, and commemorated the members of the Hungarian Olympic team,
he also congratulated Réka Pupp, a student of the PTE Faculty of Sciences, for her fifth place in judo. He also urged everyone to cheer on the Hungarian Paralympic team, as "one in five Paralympic athletes starts the competition as a university citizen". Last but not least, he congratulated Zsófia Konkoly, a student at the University of Pécs, on winning the first Hungarian Paralympic gold medal.
Attila Péterffy, Mayor of the City of Pécs, said that together with the leaders of the university they are working to make the relationship between the university and the city as close and fruitful as possible, which has already produced concrete, tangible results, such as the reopening of the Pécs-Pogány Airport to the public.
"With Mr Rector, we have been determined for more than four years now, because
we both share the belief that strengthening the relationship between the city of Pécs and the university is in the interest of all citizens of Pécs and all university citizens.
The freshness and dynamism of the university community is a big part of what makes Pécs vibrant. Without the university citizens, it would be a small, quiet, peaceful city. This freshness, this vibrancy is thanks to you. Thank you!"
The 1st of September is not only the opening of the academic year, but also the Day of the City of Pécs, on the occasion of which several citizens of the University of Pécs received city honours. On this occasion, the mayor congratulated again the new honorary citizen of the city, Professor Emeritus László Vidovszky, and Attila Miseta, who received the city's Pro Civitate award in the morning.
Photo: Andrea Müller
The mayor's speech also included the seventeen newly renovated municipal apartments, which will be made available to teachers and teacher candidates at a reduced rate through a public tender. The first flats will be ready for occupation by the winning applicants next week.
At the Opening Senate Meeting of the Academic Year, the University of Pécs officially welcomed the teachers, former and current students of the University of Pécs who were honoured on the occasion of the Saint Stephen's Day on August 20. The most prestigious awards of the ceremony were then presented.
The Senate of the University of Pécs, on the recommendation of the Rector of the University, awards the King Lajos Nagy Award to a Hungarian or foreign person whose scientific, artistic, educational, sporting, public or other outstanding achievements have been recognised by a national state or international award or prize, or who holds a public dignity and has contributed to the development of Hungarian education, science, culture, to the international recognition of Hungarian achievements or to the development of Hungarian higher education.
In 2024, the Senate of the University of Pécs decided to award him the King Lajos Nagy Award:
Imre Nagy, Professor Emeritus, in recognition of his sacrificial work for the University of Pécs, contributing to the development of Hungarian higher education, science and culture, and the success of the University of Pécs.
Pro Universitate Quinqueecclesiensi is awarded by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Rector, to a person who has significantly contributed to the enhancement of the reputation of the University, its recognition at home and abroad, has rendered significant service to the University, has played an outstanding role in the development and improvement of the quality of education and scientific research, and has contributed to the development of the social relations of the institution.
Pro Universitate Quinqueecclesiensi is awarded to:
Péter Németh, professor emeritus in recognition of his outstanding scientific activity and research work in the various fields of medicine, for his decisive leadership activities at the University of Pécs, as well as for his conscientious work in enhancing the reputation of the university and increasing its recognition at home and abroad.
At the meeting of the Senate of the University of Pécs on 20 June 2024, the Senate of the University of Pécs, on the recommendation of the Medical School, awarded the title of Professor Emerita and the gold badge of the University to Professor Zsuzsanna Füzesi, Head of the Medical School, in recognition of her outstanding scientific work, her exemplary teaching and educational development activities, and her dedicated work in the preservation and development of health.
At its meeting on 20 June 2024, the Senate of the University of Pécs, on the proposal of the Faculty of Health Sciences, awarded Professor István Gáti, Professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the title of Professor Emeritus and the gold badge of the University in recognition of his decades of high-level professional, teaching and research work in the field of neurosciences and neurology, as well as his outstanding teaching activities at the Faculty.
At its meeting on 20 June 2024, the Senate of the University of Pécs awarded him the title of Professor Emeritus and the gold badge of the University on the recommendation of the Medical School to:
Professor László Pajor, Professor at the Medical School, in recognition of his outstanding teaching, research and diagnostic activities over many decades,
Professor Béla Melegh, Professor of the Medical School, in recognition of his continuous high-level research work.
According to the decision of the Senate of the University of Pécs, Csaba Róbert Kovács, lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, retired President of the Council of the Court of Law, titular judge of the Court of Law, received the title of honorary associate professor and the silver badge of the University.
On the proposal of Balázs Hankó, Minister of Culture and Innovation of Hungary, in agreement with the holder of the university's chair, President Tamás Sulyok appointed József Zoltán Benke, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law, as of 1 September 2024.
Lastly, the student awards and recognitions were presented, followed by the speech of Bence Fiser, Vice President of the University Student Self-Government.
„University gives you knowledge, mindset and perspective, but at the same time I would like to draw the attention of my fellow first-year students to the fact that these cannot and should not be acquired only in class.
University life itself is as much a teacher as our professors.
Therefore, I would encourage everyone to take advantage of the opportunities offered by university and try to take as much of it with you as possible. The University Student Government and its faculty sub-governments will help you to do this. To quote my favourite childhood novel, at Hogwarts, those who ask for help are not left to themselves. I think it's the same in the UP family," said Bence Fiser in his welcome speech.
The Rector of the University may grant an Award for University Sports Life to those persons or organisations who have worthily enhanced the reputation of our University through their active involvement, sacrificial work and outstanding achievements in sports or sports organisation.
Award for University Sports Life:
Gergő Gelencsér, a student at the Medical School, who has contributed greatly to the success of the PEAC football team in the NB3, while also excelling in his studies.
Ádám Jászó, a student of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, who represented Hungary at the Olympic Games in Paris and has achieved outstanding results in numerous competitions, including European and National Championships.
Dávid Molnár, a student of the Faculty of Health Sciences, who represents PTE as a table tennis player at Universiade, EUSA, and as a member of the PEAC champion and national championship team.
Beatrix Perjés, adjunct professor, department head, choreographer, coach, project manager of the UP Dancing University and artistic director of the UP Dance Ensemble, whose outstanding teaching and educational work is also reflected in her personal example through the combination of dance, music, art and sport.
Sebestyén Kovács, a graduate student of the Faculty of Health Sciences, who has successfully represented UP in Universiade, EUSA and numerous competitions as a table tennis player, and who will receive the award later.
The Rector of the University may award the University Culture Prize to those persons and organisations who, through their active involvement, sacrificial work and outstanding artistic and cultural activities, have enhanced the reputation of the University.
University Culture Prize:
Bulcsú Egyed, a graduate student of the Medical School, for her outstanding and steadfast work as an instructor in the Faculty's Freshman Camps and as an active member of the Event Organisation Committee of the Student Government.
György Marosvölgyi, a graduate student of the Medical School, who supported the work of the Faculty's Marketing and Communication Department in the field of student recruitment, mentored high school students, participated in events for high school students. Her work has contributed to successful student recruitment processes.
Veronika Mihály, a graduate student of the Medical School, who supported the student recruitment activities of the Faculty's Marketing and Communication Department, contributed to the Faculty's successful student recruitment activities by participating in recruitment events and by mentoring high school students.
Csongor Sándor, a graduate student of the Faculty of Medical School, who supported the student recruitment activities of the Faculty's Marketing and Communication Department, contributed to the Faculty's successful student recruitment activities by participating in recruitment events and by mentoring high school students.
Bianka Somogyi, a graduate student of the Medical School, who supported the student recruitment activities of the Faculty's Marketing and Communication Department, contributed to the successful student recruitment activities of the Faculty by participating in recruitment events and by mentoring high school students.
Máté Zoltán Szijártó, a student of the Faculty of Pharmacy, who has enhanced the reputation of the university with his active role, sacrificial work and outstanding artistic and cultural activities.
Soma Spiegel, Zsombor Hiegl, Borbála Hizsnyik, Péter Juhász, Anna Takács, Anna Wilhelm Valintin András, Kitti Kovács, Flóra Novreczky, Gergő Bendegúz Kovács, Viktória Torma, Kartal Stankovics, students of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, who have been actively involved in promotion of the University of Pécs through their dedicated work and outstanding artistic and cultural activities. The award was received by Éva Kovács, Associate Professor, professional leader of the television programme producers and Dean's representative for Faculty Communication.
Hajnal György, the Institute Manager of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, for his sacrificial and indispensable work in the daily affairs of the Institute of Fine Arts and for his important role in the organisation of the cultural life of the Faculty.
The Rector of the University can award the Alma Mater Memorial Medal to one graduate and one doctoral degree holder per year, if, in addition to his/her outstanding academic achievements, he/she has also made a significant and decisive contribution to the university community.
Alma Mater Commemorative Medal:
Dalma Szigeti, a graduate student of the Faculty of Sciences, who, in addition to her outstanding studies during her university years, has also contributed a lot to the student community. As a member and later leader of the Student Government, she was committed to the Faculty. He has always been committed to effective communication between teachers and students and has done much to improve it.
Bence Závodi, in recognition of his outstanding work as Deputy Head of the Talent Office.
The Rector of the University has awarded the Pro Universitate Juventutis Prize to two people in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements and their successful performance in the fields of science, arts or sport.
Pro Universitate Juventutis Prize:
Veronika Kovács, Vice-Chair of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and student member of Faculty Scientific Student Committee, for her outstanding community work and for her 1st place in the Literature section of the Spring 2024 Faculty Student Scientific Conference 2024.
Gergő Illés, a PhD student at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, in recognition of his outstanding academic achievement, first place in the National Scientific Student Circle and co-authorship of a high-impact publication, who will receive the award at a later date.
The academic year 2024/2025 was blessed by Edvárd Kajtár, the theology teacher of the Diocese of Pécs, who in his speech first spoke about the digital challenges during the pandemic and the changes that took place as a result of the pandemic.
"Digitalisation, which is permeating our everyday lives more and more deeply and on an ever wider horizon, poses crucial questions not only for the academic work methods and work ethics of the university, but also for the development of education, i.e. the sharing of scientific knowledge and the development of an intellectual approach that cannot be separated from it.
Just as we are no longer the researchers and scientists our ancestors were 40-50 years ago in terms of our scientific working methods, our teaching and science education methods cannot be the same as they once were."
As an example, he cited the speeding up and simplification of research work, which no longer requires weeks or months spent in archives and libraries, as almost all the necessary information can now be found on the internet. According to Edvard Kajtár, the digital world, which is becoming increasingly important in the world of research and education, is not only affecting education and research, but also our identity, as he underlined,
"The university is like a magnetic field, where the spirit is shaped not only by the pull of the will to know and to be known, but also by all those who are drawn together and held together by this force. The university is also a space for the life-forming relationships of the university citizen. A reality that is no longer accessible to Google Translator, Wikipedia or ChatGPT."
The event, which can be watched on the PTE Youtube channel, ended with the anthem of the European Union.